Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hope, Ray and .........

Sometimes, life itself doesn't know where it leads,
Sometimes, it just stops,
It does not stop to wait for something,
But stops for some kind of Hope.

Hope is like everybody's asset,
Something which at times makes you feel regrets,
And still things happen in a way,
That makes some hope, a Ray.

Rays of Sun give light to everything,

This everything has a heart, which beats,
Beats for everyone, those, you know, and those, you don't,
But even still it leads the life which cheats.

Cheating a heart is now like fashion,
Playing with it and with emotions.
Hope, Ray and Cheating are a Collaboration,
Which leads the Life and says, "Now, it's your destination".

1 comment:

Lena said...

you know what i think, right? Am too lazy to repeat :D :P